Mediterranean Cruise 2019 MP3 Download

Mediterranean Cruise 2019 MP3 Download

Code: MED19MP3



Product Details

2019 Mediterranean Cruise

CD 1

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-1 (1:01)

2. The happy group welcomes Esther. (0:55)

3. Negative emotion as an indicator. (8:12)

4. Your vibrational evolution. (12:16)

CD 2

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-2 (1:01)

2. Communicating with non-physical. (22:40)

3. Happiness guidance? (6:23)

4. Clarity on his experiences. (16:57)

CD 3

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-3 (1:01)

2. A better version of her? (3:19)

3. Giving, value and abundance. (18:24)

4. Reduce resistance? (9:48)

5. Why confusion? (11:54)

CD 4

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-4 (1:01)

2. Why come forth? (5:02)

3. Prepaving for surgery. (10:58)

4. Being a cooperative component. (19:21)

5. Where's the PIN number? (11:13)

CD 5

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-5 (1:01)

2. Journey to a new job. (25:21)

3. Approaching a sore subject? (15:30)

4. Receiving the movie. (3:27)

CD 6

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-6 (1:01)

2. Abraham prepaves the day. (1:59)

3. Some Inner Being questions. (9:32)

4. Conversing with desires? (8:39)

5. His mother's transition. (1:44)

6. Nothing bigger than connection. (14:21)

7. Meditation is Step 3. (5:24)

8. Clarifying terms and experiences. (16:44)

CD 7

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-7 (1:01)

2. You are the holy place. (10:48)

3. About flirting. (7:39)

4. Visualization and more. (8:22)

5. Conditions and appreciation. (14:36)

6. Resistant and non-resistant thought. (5:20)

7. Abundance and replenishment. (7:53)

8. Receiving or projecting? (5:35)

CD 8

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-8 (1:01)

2. Time to listen. (2:57)

3. Empathy, compassion and impulses. (16:10)

4. Moving beyond past trauma. (17:27)

5. Cellular communication. (3:57)

6. Impulses. (8:05)

7. Tapping into thought forms. (10:25)

CD 9

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-9 (1:01)

2. She wants more joy. (27:07)

3. A dream comes true? (12:40)

4. Help with his music. (15:04)

CD 10

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-10 (1:01)

2. Advice for health practitioners. (13:17)

3. Some parenting advice. (18:15)

4. Is love the ultimate feeling? (2:05)

5. Life choices and what's next? (14:14)

6. She's a little envious. (8:13)

CD 11

1. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise-11 (1:01)

2. Questions around grief. (9:29)

3. Beliefs and feeling good. (12:14)

4. He wants more. (10:28)

5. Dreams, daydreams and imagination. (8:43)

6. On being a teacher. (4:27)

7. Playing others' songs and more. (8:37)

8. 2019 Mediterranean Cruise close. (3:39)