

Code: AW04



Product Details

Fear to Hope, An Emotional Journey!

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There are so many circumstances and events that you try to change, which you have no power to change. But when you understand that instead of trying to take that long, slow, convoluted, very hard, very difficult, very tedious Action Journey, if you would decide to take an Emotional Journey... And let us tell you what the Emotional Journey involves: “I’ve got to go from worry to hope.” That’s it!

“I just have to talk to myself, right here, right now, so that I feel a little more hopeful and a little less worried.” And do you know that you could do it in a minute? And then you could do it in another minute, and another minute. And you could train yourself in less than a day, certainly in less than thirty days, to have hope instead of worry—and then the Universe will give you the job, or the money, or the resources, or the avenue, or the avalanche, or the endless circumstances and events that will flood dollars into your experience. You do not have to do those things that others have taught you that you need to do because they thought they needed you to do them, so that theycould feel good.

The Emotional Journey says, “I’ve got to go from worry to hope. I’ve got to go from despair maybe, maybe fear, maybe to anger, to frustration, to overwhelment, to hope.” We’re not saying that you can jump from fear to hope in one fell swoop. But we aresaying to you, that’sthe journey.
Boston, MA— 10/2/04



9/29/04 — Manifestations are born out of your desire. When his life insurance payments come due? He is finding joy watching others’ success. Are there differences between appreciation and gratitude? Is this just one long continued life? “At your age, your health should be....” Did she actually have a “walk-in” experience?

10/2/04 — Can’t get sick enough to help sick. Where’s our Consciousness when we’re dreaming nightmares? Every religion has the potential for goodness. How are they limiting their business expansion? To attract the solution before the problem? Who do you trust regarding your health? What’s the “expectation” regarding one’s Soul Mate?

10/9/04A — You'll never kill or convince them all. Is the loudest voice one of fear? What's the source of those new diseases? Have I been taking score too soon? Feel good now, there's nothing more important. Does All-That-Is need worship and praise? Why's breaking up so hard to do?

10/9/04B — He’s begun to honor sister’s religious beliefs. How is Abraham different from us humans? Did Abraham manipulate Esther’s voice at first? What are parents responsibilities for teenager’s choices? Can she move artistic relationships into alignment? Her (dementia) father disappeared into the forest. Her struggling friend has suffered many surgeries.

10/13/04 — It is all happening in your now. Is being right more important than harmony? Can she think away her joint pains? Are specific thoughts causing her thumb’s stiffness? To be released from her marriage bondage? He is attracted to ancient Rumi poets. To change lovers without hurting anyone else?

10/16/04 — An emotional journey, from fear to hope. See every emotion as a valued emotion. How can love coincide with killing animals? Are past desires sometimes inappropriate baggage today? And they didn’t get it done, either. Teen son would rather play than study. Abraham closes the Washington DC Workshop.

10/24/04A — How well are you expecting to live? Which signal is your attention toward? Decisions are to be made, not questioned. Has strong unwanted beliefs about her body. Was their asking price out of line? What’s up with all this Vibrational Matching? To become unhurtable by another person’s lies?

10/24/04B — “One for all and all for one”? How evolved can this psychiatrist’s clients become? What has Abraham to say regarding reincarnation? If aboard an airplane with negative creators? But, about her desire for World Peace? When beating up on oneself becomes addictive. Their new life is almost too good.

10-28-04 — No matter where it is — it’s NOW! Considering both freedom and bondage as perceptions. “Why did God give my child diabetes?” Would pornography increase one’s passion for sex? Will either presidential candidate soothe the world? How do Spirit Beings congregate in Nonphysical? Any disadvantages created before her birth?

11/13/04 — It’s about learning to let it in. Hang on or let go of desires? There’s value in your quest for joy. Do all religions vibrate at same rate? He now feels worthy of successful business. Does preparing for eventualities influence their actualization? Is releasing resistance only healing method?