

Code: AF07



Product Details


G-7/22/07 Stating "it's not enough" is not enough. Nothing comes from "out of the blue". Earth is at its best and improving. You can create your own world changes. Make peace with her never-ending journey? He and Sweetheart aren't always in bliss. Is saving the world her life's work?

G-7/27/07 The Art of Allowing or "pre-croaking blending"? Another piece of the Law of Attraction. Negative emotion indicates one is paddling upstream. Can environment handle its expanding humanity? All is well and it's getting weller. How to teach preteen to turn downstream? Wants to accelerate speed of his attraction.

G-8/4/07 You're Vibrational Beings in a Vibrational Universe. Frolic on your way to your manifestations. Could his "wanting" overcome his abundance beliefs? The best Mom that she can be? What's up with her manifestation of arthritis? Do those feral animals prefer being rescued? Abraham closes the Los Angeles Saturday Workshop.

G-8/5/07 Patience regarding your manifestation is not necessary. You are creating improvement for future generations. Trust the doctor or trust HIV beliefs? He's teaching oldsters how to blissfully die. To regain that "everything-is-magic" feeling? Limit your irritations to under 17 seconds. To instill founder's vision in his staff?

G-8/11/07 You are the leading-edge of creation. Manifestations, as 99% complete before showing evidence. Could she tell a different relationship story? Veterinarian lives his experience on "animal time." Balancing the veterinarian's relationship with his staff? Could their staff work on animal time? If teacher's students operate on 'animal time'?

G-8/26/07 Are you appreciating the desire-producing contrast? Change the thought and change the disease. When bothered by "upstreamers" is he "upstreaming""? Limit children's television quantity, or quality? Reading about "Sacred Contracts" to commit killings? Should she feel good observing horrible scenarios? Teaching photography wasn't the "piece of cake."

G-8/28/07 Your every preference forms your Vibrational Escrow. Your natural inclination is to feel good. Understanding the "Astonishing Power of Your Emotions." Why has Abraham become available to us? What's it like to be an Abraham? Is it really "wasteful" to overbuy groceries? Biker wants to feel her sexuality again.

G-9/8/07 The larger part of you is Nonphysical. How can parent help child maintain alignment? He began to focus on dream's essences. What is religion's role in family values? Dad wants one neat corner for himself. How can he become a better teacher? Living life in a vibration of appreciation.

G-9/22/07 Before your physical birth, you were thinking. We benefit from desires of previous generations. Is it time to tell different stories? Can she go from believing to knowing? Which wins, his vision or his partner's doubt? Do prayers attract help or create help? He asks Abraham "Where's my stuff?"

G-9/29/07 Knowing if it is a Vibrational Match. You are vibration, and you're Source Energy. Everything physical was once vibrational thought. Whatever you're living is a Vibrational match. What does the story you're telling indicate? What's the vibrational essence of allowing money? This is my story of financial success.