3 CD Album, San Antonio, TX 4/21/12

3 CD Album, San Antonio, TX 4/21/12

Code: F1210



Product Details

San Antonio, TX 4/21/12

Disc 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:23)
2. Esther joins the happy San Antonio group. (0:46)
3. Your point of attraction is more than words. (6:36)
4. Positive grid brings positive noteworthy manifestations fast. (8:12)
5. Before your birth your grid was positively general. (1:55)
6. Do we have choice of staying or going? (4:07)
7. Best question, ever, evokes best answer, ever! (5:40)
8. Don't others in my life choose for themselves? (4:50)
9. 9-year-old son wants to guide his own life? (6:25)
10. Must regard son as cooperative to get cooperation. (4:54)
11. Wants to practice her core grid vibrations. (6:54)
12. Wants thoughtfulness as well as emotional sensitivity. (7:11)
13. He counsels people not leaning toward fun. (2:12)

Disc 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:23)
2. On a fast and exhilarating expansive track. (2:04)
3. Wanted pictorial proof of her wonderful life. (6:41)
4. Most food cravings are about nutritional imbalance. (6:00)
5. There's momentum in the grid filling in. (5:26)
6. She loves the effect grid work is having. (4:33)
7. She's working on the grid for financial abundance. (11:04)
8. Grid work specifies but does not limit. (5:30)
9. She gave up her ambition for ease. (11:11)
10. Ask book processes as they relate to grid. (4:33)

Disc 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:23)
2. What if we really do not exist at all? (5:30)
3. Wants Abraham to ramp up aura Energy. (3:27)
4. Taking the subject of hypnosis to the grid. (8:05)
5. Wants husband to get the joy she feels. (8:04)
6. Wants to help his children get the Vortex. (2:59)
7. You felt like this, and the grid filled in. (6:26)
8. She likens trillions of cells to the Universe. (2:48)
9. What is happening with the Spirituality book? (3:00)
10. Focus on feeling and all good will follow. (6:33)
11. Natural to have many peak moments today. (3:05)
12. Get off on the right food through feeling. (6:50)
13. Abraham closes this leading edge workshop. (3:44)