2010/01/16 West Los Angeles, CA

2010/01/16 West Los Angeles, CA

Code: 1-16-10



Product Details

If parents have a case of what-is-itis? Not one of you came to suffer. Could Abraham coax you into the Vortex? What’s the purpose of being born gay? What’s the significance of his “gay” traits? Actress would prefer more money from actressing. What is it like in Abraham’s non-place?

Topics Include:
  • How can we not look at what-is?
  • What is Abraham's work?
  • Isn't suffering a beneficial experience?
  • Why do people think I am gay?
  • Why are my emotions important?
  • What is it like in Abraham's realm?
  • Can I change from gay to straight?
  • How can I make more money in acting?
  • Did I choose to be gay?
  • Did we have a purpose before birth?
  • Is the thought the only vibration that affects our point of attraction?