2010/09/18 Chicago, IL

2010/09/18 Chicago, IL

Code: 9-18-10



Product Details

Are you expecting your desire to manifest? Does the squeaky wheel control your attention? Must runny little noses infect their teacher? Are you too happy for most others? Does she not have sacred destined desires? Everything is always working out for you. What was her negative emotion telling her?

Topics Include:
  • What does negative emotion tell me?
  • How do I stay in the Vortex at my job? Are we vibration?
  • Is it inappropriate to be happy?
  • Pre-birth, do we have a sacred contract?
  • How deep into my physical experience did I pre-pave events?
  • How can I feel positive emotion when I have pain?
  • How can I ignore reality?
  • Can I get well?
  • How does "belief" factor into manifestations?